CANON started as a grassroots initiative and has swiftly grown into a national team committed to enhancing the lives of AYAs with brain cancer. This achievement was made possible by the invaluable support of local, regional, provincial, national, and international organizations and partnerships. To explore opportunities for collaboration, please contact us using the button below.
Patient Advocacy
CANON wants your voice to be heard. Whether you are an AYA diagnosed with a brain tumour or a caregiver/family member, we have opportunities to get involved and make an impact to brain cancer research. These include:

Participating in townhalls about upcoming research projects and grant applications

Research Support
Reviewing research proposals and sharing insight on how to improve the patient experience

Knowledge Translation
Providing feedback on our website, newsletter, and other resources
If you would like to learn more about being a Patient, Survivor, or Caregiver (PSC) partner, please reach out to [email protected].
General Inquiries
For any general questions about the network, please reach out to [email protected]. Please note that CANON cannot provide any medical advice. If you have health concerns, please reach out to your primary care physician.